1. In regards to physical changes with aging, can you identify with any condition you have recognized either personally or that your own family member has had in regards to physical changes as described in your textbook in Chapter 18? Grandmas hearing has gotten worse

2. After answering question number 1, in relation to your answer, now explain your feelings on that, what struggles or successes you have had, what you learned, and how that will help you as a CNA. This will help you relate and identify factors when it comes to the residents you are caring for.

I can definitely relate to the physical change of hearing loss as my grandma has experienced this as she has gotten older. It has been difficult for her as she often feels left out of conversations and struggles to hear television or phone calls.

Through this experience, I have learned the importance of patience and empathy when working with residents who may have hearing impairments. It is important to speak clearly and loudly, and to make sure they have access to any necessary hearing aids or devices.

Understanding the frustrations and challenges that come with hearing loss has made me more aware of the needs of residents who may be experiencing similar issues. As a CNA, I will use this knowledge to better care for and communicate with residents who have hearing impairments, ensuring they feel included and understood.