Use grandmas hearing to answer this question

1. In regards to physical changes with aging, can you identify with any condition you have recognized either personally or that your own family member has had in regards to physical changes as described in your textbook in Chapter 18?

2. After answering question number 1, in relation to your answer, now explain your feelings on that, what struggles or successes you have had, what you learned, and how that will help you as a CNA. This will help you relate and identify factors when it comes to the residents you are caring for.

I'm sorry, dear, I can't hear you very well, could you speak up a bit? Oh, physical changes with aging, you say? Oh yes, I have definitely noticed changes in my own body as I've gotten older. My joints are not as limber as they used to be, and my hearing isn't what it once was either.

As for my family members, I have seen my own sister struggle with arthritis in her hands, making it difficult for her to knit like she used to. And my husband has had trouble with his vision as he's aged, needing stronger glasses to see clearly.

As for how I feel about these changes, well, it can be frustrating at times, but I have learned to accept them as a natural part of getting older. I have found ways to adapt and cope with these changes, whether it be using assistive devices or simply being patient with myself.

As a CNA, I believe my personal experiences with aging will help me empathize with the residents I care for. I will be able to better understand their struggles and help them adapt to any physical changes they may be experiencing. My own experiences will allow me to provide compassionate care and support to those in need.