1. In regards to physical changes with aging, can you identify with any condition you have recognized either personally or that your own family member has had in regards to physical changes as described in your textbook in Chapter 18?

2. After answering question number 1, in relation to your answer, now explain your feelings on that, what struggles or successes you have had, what you learned, and how that will help you as a CNA. This will help you relate and identify factors when it comes to the residents you are caring for.

1. Personally, I have noticed that my grandmother has experienced changes in her vision as she has gotten older. She has developed cataracts which have caused her vision to become cloudy and less sharp. This has made it more difficult for her to do everyday tasks like driving or reading.

2. Seeing my grandmother struggle with her vision has been tough, but it has also taught me a lot about the importance of patience and understanding when caring for elderly residents who may be experiencing similar physical changes. I have learned to be more attentive to their needs and to provide extra support when needed. This experience has helped me develop empathy and compassion, which I believe will make me a better CNA when it comes to caring for residents who are going through physical changes associated with aging.