What is the volume of the rectangular pyramid?

(1 point)
length, 7mi width, 7.5mi altitude, 5mi

The volume of a rectangular pyramid is given by the formula V = (1/3) * b * h, where b is the base area and h is the height (altitude) of the pyramid.

length = 7 mi
width = 7.5 mi
altitude = 5 mi

First, calculate the base area:
b = length * width = 7 mi * 7.5 mi = 52.5 mi^2

Now, plug in the values into the volume formula:
V = (1/3) * 52.5 mi^2 * 5 mi
V = (1/3) * 262.5 mi^3
V = 87.5 mi^3

Therefore, the volume of the rectangular pyramid is 87.5 cubic miles.