How does printed text influence a reader’s understanding of a text?(1 point)


It changes the experience of listening to a text.
It changes the experience of listening to a text.

It adds music and visuals to change the tone.
It adds music and visuals to change the tone.

It emphasizes the speaker’s voice.
It emphasizes the speaker’s voice.

It allows a reader to picture the story.

It allows a reader to visualize the story and follow the sequence of events more clearly.

Which of the following is an example of media?(1 point)


a discussion about penguins
a discussion about penguins

a speech about pelicans
a speech about pelicans

a film about flamingos
a film about flamingos

a science lesson on birds

a film about flamingos

How can audio media influence a listener’s experience of a poem?(1 point)


The listener uses context clues to define unknown words.
The listener uses context clues to define unknown words.

The speaker’s voice adds drama and emotion.
The speaker’s voice adds drama and emotion.

The listener can tell exactly where stanzas end.
The listener can tell exactly where stanzas end.

The speaker can’t convey tone through audio.
The speaker can’t convey tone through audio.

The speaker’s voice adds drama and emotion.

Which of the following is an example of a video version of a story?(1 point)


an audiobook of the story
an audiobook of the story

a motion picture about the author
a motion picture about the author

a printed book of the story
a printed book of the story

a YouTube video of an actor reading the story

a YouTube video of an actor reading the story

Which feature can a reader notice from looking at the printed text of the poem “Going for Water” by Robert Frost?(1 point)


the tone of the speaker's voice
the tone of the speaker's voice

the sound of words being emphasized
the sound of words being emphasized

the meaning of the poem
the meaning of the poem

the structure of the poem such as stanzas

the structure of the poem such as stanzas