Anna is cutting a cereal box into small squares with a side length of 1 in. How many squares can she cut if the box is a rectangular prism with a length of 10 in., a width of 4 in., and a height of 12 in.?(1 point)


416 squares
416 squares

336 squares
336 squares

400 squares
400 squares

408 squares

408 squares

To calculate the total number of 1-inch squares that can be cut from the box, we need to determine how many squares can fit along each side of the box.

In this case, there are 10 squares along the length (10 in. / 1 in. = 10 squares), 4 squares along the width (4 in. / 1 in. = 4 squares), and 12 squares along the height (12 in. / 1 in. = 12 squares).

Multiplying these values together gives: 10 x 4 x 12 = 480 squares.

However, the squares along the two end faces that are parallel to the width and height of the box have already been counted in the length. There are 2 sets of 4 x 12 = 48 squares that need to be subtracted to avoid double-counting.

Therefore, the total number of squares that can be cut from the box is 480 - 48 = 432.