Divide 95^2/3 5^2 provide and exact answer

95^(2/3) can be rewritten as (95^(1/3))^2, which is equal to the cube root of 95 squared.

First, let's calculate 95^(1/3):
95^(1/3) ≈ 4.6052

Now, square this result to find the exact answer:
(4.6052)^2 ≈ 21.2171

Therefore, 95^(2/3) ≈ 21.2171

Now, let's calculate 5^2:
5^2 = 25

Now, divide 95^(2/3) by 5^2:
21.2171 / 25 ≈ 0.84868

Therefore, the exact answer is approximately 0.84868.