ABCD is a parallelogram with diagonal AC. If the measure of angle CAB is 24° and the measure of angle ADC is 127°, what is the measure of angle DAC?

Parallelogram ABCD with diagonal AC; the measure of angle ADC is 127 degrees, and the measure of angle CAB is 24 degrees.


To find the measure of angle DAC, we can use the fact that opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal.

Therefore, angle DAC = angle CAD.

Since angle CAB is 24 degrees, that means angle CAD is also 24 degrees.

Now, angle DAC + angle CAD = angle DAC + angle DAC = 180 degrees (since they form a straight line).

Therefore, 2 * angle DAC = 180 degrees

So, angle DAC = 180 degrees / 2 = 90 degrees

Therefore, the measure of angle DAC is 90 degrees.