Discuss the following and give examples

Criminals harmed the society deserve to be sentenced in order to become reconciled with the legal order

Criminals who harm society through their actions should be held accountable and sentenced for their crimes in order to reconcile with the legal order. This serves to ensure justice is served and to deter further criminal behavior.

One example of this is a person who commits a violent crime, such as assault or murder. By being sentenced to prison, they are held accountable for their actions and are removed from society to prevent them from causing harm to others. This also sends a message to others that such behavior will not be tolerated and helps to maintain the safety and well-being of the community.

Another example is a white-collar criminal who commits fraud or embezzlement. By being sentenced to pay restitution and serve time in prison, they are held accountable for their actions and forced to make amends for the harm they caused to individuals or companies. This also serves as a deterrent to others who may be tempted to engage in similar illegal activities.

In conclusion, criminals who harm society should be sentenced in order to uphold the rule of law, promote justice, and ensure the safety and well-being of the community. Reconciliation with the legal order is necessary to maintain order and prevent further harm from occurring.