What could be the consequences or outcome on society if citizens do not fulfill their obligations and responsibilities?

Answer in 60 words or less. Start with "I think," and keep your answer on topic.

(A good answer will be clear, concise, and be based on on information learned in our lessons)\

I think that if citizens do not fulfill their obligations and responsibilities, it could lead to a breakdown of societal norms and values. This lack of responsibility could result in a disorganized society with increased crime, lower levels of trust among citizens, and a decline in overall well-being and prosperity. Ultimately, it could negatively impact the functioning of communities and the nation as a whole.

60 words or less

I think that if citizens do not fulfill their obligations and responsibilities, it could lead to increased social disorder, higher levels of crime, and a breakdown in trust within communities. This could result in a decline in overall societal well-being and hinder the functioning of government and the economy. It is crucial for citizens to fulfill their duties for a stable and prosperous society.

55 words or less

I think that if citizens do not fulfill their obligations and responsibilities, it could lead to social unrest, increased crime rates, and a loss of trust among community members. This could hinder societal progress, strain government resources, and create a negative impact on the overall well-being and stability of society. Fulfilling obligations is essential for a functioning society.