Write an essay.

The story the swallow and the pumpkinseed is a folktale and don’t count your chickens is written in the style of a folktale. In many folktales, some characters are rewarded for their positive qualities or values. Other characters are punished or do not have success due to their negative qualities or values. The characters and events teach a reader a lesson about life. What life lesson or important values do you think the younger brothers in the two stories help readers understand? Write a three paragraph essay that tells your response
Explain what you think the authors want readers to learn from the younger brothers in the stories. Tell how the plot events and the authors use of language and literary devices to support your ideas. End your paragraph with a sentence that restates the lesson or values that the characters in the stories convey to readers

In the folktale "The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed," the younger brother is portrayed as humble, kind, and hardworking. Despite being mocked and underestimated by his older brothers, he remains steadfast in his beliefs and remains true to himself. As a result, he is rewarded with riches and success in the end. This story teaches readers the importance of staying true to oneself and not allowing the opinions of others to dictate one's actions. The author uses the character of the younger brother to show that perseverance and integrity can lead to great rewards.

Similarly, in "Don't Count Your Chickens," the younger brother is shown to be resourceful, clever, and quick-witted. He is able to outsmart his older brothers by using his intelligence and creativity to overcome obstacles and achieve his goals. The story emphasizes the value of intelligence, cunning, and adaptability in the face of challenges. The author uses the character of the younger brother to demonstrate that success can be achieved through cleverness and ingenuity.

Overall, the authors of these folktales want readers to learn the importance of positive qualities such as humility, perseverance, integrity, intelligence, and creativity. Through the characters of the younger brothers, readers are shown that success is not solely based on strength or age, but on one's values and actions. The authors use the plot events and the language and literary devices in the stories to emphasize these lessons and values, ultimately conveying the message that staying true to oneself, being resourceful, and using one's intelligence can lead to success in life.

Overall, the authors of these folktales want readers to learn the importance of positive qualities such as humility, perseverance, integrity, intelligence, and creativity. Through the characters of the younger brothers, readers are shown that success is not solely based on strength or age, but on one's values and actions. The authors use the plot events and the language and literary devices in the stories to emphasize these lessons and values, ultimately conveying the message that staying true to oneself, being resourceful, and using one's intelligence can lead to success in life.

Can you make this better and 8th grade level

In both "The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed" and "Don't Count Your Chickens," the younger brothers teach us important lessons about being true to ourselves and using our strengths to succeed. They show us that qualities like humility, perseverance, integrity, intelligence, and creativity are key to accomplishing our goals. The stories highlight that success is not just about age or strength, but about the values we hold and the actions we take. The authors use the characters of the younger brothers and the events in the plot to emphasize these important life lessons. By staying true to who we are, being resourceful, and using our smarts, we can achieve success in our own lives.