The circle-shaped part of the necklace above has a diameter of 4 mm.

The circumference of the circle-shaped part of each of the earrings is one-half the circumference of the necklace.

What is the circumference of the circle-shaped part of one of the earrings? (Use 3.14 for .)

The circumference of the necklace can be found using the formula for the circumference of a circle: C = πd, where C is the circumference, π is approximately 3.14, and d is the diameter.

For the necklace:
C = 3.14 * 4 mm
C = 12.56 mm

Since the circumference of each earring is one-half of the circumference of the necklace:
C_earring = 1/2 * 12.56 mm
C_earring = 6.28 mm

Therefore, the circumference of the circle-shaped part of one of the earrings is 6.28 mm.