First Steps Childcare Center has moved to a new, 2,100-square-foot location. The director needs to determine how many babies and toddlers can be enrolled. There should be 40 square feet of space for each baby and 45 square feet of space for each toddler.

If t represents the number of toddlers enrolled and b represents the number of babies enrolled, which inequality describes this situation?
a) 40t +45b < or equal to 2,100
b) 45t + 40b < or equal to 2,100
c) 45t + 40b > or equal to 2,100
d) 40t + 45b > or equal to 2,100

There are 32 toddlers already enrolled, and the daycare is just now opening enrollment to babies. If no more toddlers are enrolled, at most how many babies can be enrolled?

Using the given information, we can set up the following inequality:

45t + 40b ≤ 2,100

Substitute t = 32 (number of toddlers already enrolled):

45(32) + 40b ≤ 2,100
1,440 + 40b ≤ 2,100
40b ≤ 660
b ≤ 16.5

Since the number of babies must be a whole number, at most 16 babies can be enrolled.