Read this potion of an outline from a passage.

Van Gogh and Gauguin: Powerful Post-Impressionists
Van Gogh preferred to be outdoors, surrounded by nature. He was inspired by the beauty around him and set out to paint how this made him feel.
Gauguin preferred to paint indoors, from his own memory and imagination. He was inspired to create art that was more dramatic than the subject itself.
Van Gogh was a master of perspective. He chose creative and realistic ways to represent three-dimensional objects on a flat canvas.
Van Gogh's style was imaginative and full of feeling. His content and color choices were deeply attached to his emotions.
Gauguin is known for his heavily symbolic style. He wanted to show the deeper, even spiritual meaning behind the things he chose to paint.
Van Gogh used tubes of thick paint on his artwork. He did not smooth his brushstrokes after applying them, creating a heavy texture and a sense of energy.
Gauguin created exaggerated, almost abstract shapes with smooth, blended brushstrokes. This created an effect of flatness and simplicity of form.
What comparison strategy does the author use in the passage?

subject-by-subject comparison

point-by-point comparison

facts-versus-opinions comparison

simple-versus-complex comparison

point-by-point comparison