What is the area of the object shown 17cm 3cm 3cm 6cm 9cm

To find the area of the object, we need to calculate the surface area of each of the six faces and then add them together.

The object is shaped like a rectangular prism with dimensions of:
- Length: 17 cm
- Width: 3 cm
- Height: 6 cm
- Height: 3 cm
- Width: 9 cm

Let's calculate the surface area of each face:

1. Front face: 17 cm * 6 cm = 102 cm²
2. Back face: 17 cm * 6 cm = 102 cm²
3. Top face: 3 cm * 9 cm = 27 cm²
4. Bottom face: 3 cm * 9 cm = 27 cm²
5. Left face: 17 cm * 3 cm = 51 cm²
6. Right face: 17 cm * 3 cm = 51 cm²

Now, let's add up the surface areas of all six faces:

102 cm² + 102 cm² + 27 cm² + 27 cm² + 51 cm² + 51 cm² = 360 cm²

Therefore, the total area of the object is 360 cm².