What are the environmental problem that Pogera mine face it

1. Deforestation: The Pogera mine has cleared large areas of forests for mining operations, leading to habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.

2. Water pollution: Mining activities at Pogera mine have the potential to contaminate local water sources with heavy metals and chemicals, impacting aquatic life and human health.

3. Air pollution: Dust and emissions from the mine's operations can contribute to air pollution, impacting local communities and ecosystems.

4. Soil degradation: The disturbance of soil during mining activities can lead to erosion and degradation of soil quality, affecting the surrounding environment.

5. Waste management: Mine waste, including tailings, can pose environmental risks if not properly managed, leading to soil and water contamination.

6. Noise pollution: The operation of machinery and equipment at the Pogera mine can generate noise pollution, impacting local wildlife and communities.

7. Acid mine drainage: The extraction of minerals at the Pogera mine can release sulfuric acid and other chemicals, leading to acid mine drainage which can contaminate water sources and harm aquatic life.