How can the readers point of view create suspension in humor?

A reader might have a preference for one particular character
A reader might have prior knowledge about certain historical context
A reader might know the ending of the story
A reader might know that the characters do not

take themselves too seriously

A reader's point of view can create suspense in humor by adding an element of unpredictability. For example, if a reader has a preference for a particular character, they may anticipate the character's reactions and find humor in how they handle certain situations. This can create suspense as the reader waits to see how their favorite character will navigate the comedic obstacles presented in the story.

Additionally, if a reader has prior knowledge about certain historical context or cultural references within the humor, they may anticipate certain jokes or punchlines before they happen. This can create suspense as the reader waits for these moments to unfold and sees how they are incorporated into the comedic narrative.

Furthermore, if a reader already knows the ending of the story, they may experience suspense in how the characters reach that conclusion in a humorous way. This foreknowledge can create tension as the reader watches the characters stumble and bumble their way through the plot, leading to unexpected and humorous outcomes.

Overall, a reader's point of view can enhance the suspension in humor by adding layers of complexity and anticipation to the comedic elements of a story. By bringing their own preferences, knowledge, and expectations to the reading experience, readers can create a dynamic and engaging relationship with the humor presented, making the comedic moments even more enjoyable and surprising.