travis is planning to ride at a constant speed during an upcoming bike trip he wants to know how many miles he will ride after different numbers of hours

plot two points that show how far travis will ride after 3 hours and after 4 hours

one point is at 1,10 and another is at 2,20

(3, 30) and (4, 40)

the points on the graph show the number of miles that travis rode during the first 4 hours of a bike trip travis plans to keep the same speed for the rest of the trip

the number of miles is always ? times the number of hours

Yes, that's correct. The relationship between the number of miles Travis rides and the number of hours he rides is linear, meaning it follows the equation:

miles = speed * hours

Since Travis is riding at a constant speed, we can rewrite the equation as:

miles = k * hours

Where k is the constant speed at which Travis is riding. The points you have already provided on the graph show that the number of miles Travis rides is always 10 times the number of hours.

Therefore, the equation representing Travis's bike trip is:

miles = 10 * hours

the ordered pair (2,20) means that travis rode ? miles in ? hours

The ordered pair (2, 20) means that Travis rode 20 miles in 2 hours.

This is because the first value of the ordered pair always represents the number of hours (2 hours), and the second value represents the number of miles (20 miles) that Travis rode in that amount of time.

which ordered pair shows an equivalent ratio of hours to miles


To find an equivalent ratio of hours to miles, we need to look for an ordered pair where the ratio of hours to miles is the same.

Let's calculate the ratios for each of the ordered pairs:

(90, 9) → Ratio of hours to miles = 90/9 = 10
(6, 66) → Ratio of hours to miles = 6/66 = 1/11
(70, 7) → Ratio of hours to miles = 70/7 = 10
(8, 80) → Ratio of hours to miles = 8/80 = 1/10

The ordered pair that shows an equivalent ratio of hours to miles is (70, 7). The ratio of hours to miles in this case and in the ordered pair (90, 9) is 10.

travis will complete a 60-mile trip in ? hours

(the answer was actually 8,80.)

If Travis completes a 60-mile trip in 8 hours, then the relationship between the number of miles and the number of hours he rides will be 60 miles = 8 hours.

Therefore, Travis will complete a 60-mile trip in 8 hours.