How many milliliters of the approximately 0.15 M prepared copper (1) sulfate stock solution are needed to prepare 100.00 milliliters of a 0.015 M copper(Il) sulfate solution?

To calculate the volume of the stock solution needed to prepare the desired solution, we can use the formula:

(C1)(V1) = (C2)(V2)

C1 = concentration of the stock solution = 0.15 M
V1 = volume of the stock solution needed
C2 = concentration of the desired solution = 0.015 M
V2 = final volume of the desired solution = 100.00 mL

Plugging in the values:

(0.15 M)(V1) = (0.015 M)(100.00 mL)

Solving for V1:

V1 = (0.015 M)(100.00 mL) / 0.15 M
V1 = (1.5 mL) / 0.15
V1 = 10 mL

Therefore, you would need 10.00 milliliters of the 0.15 M stock solution to prepare 100.00 milliliters of a 0.015 M copper (II) sulfate solution.