A sandwich shop owner observed the first 100 sandwich orders of the day. The data that the owner obtained is given in the table.

Type of Sandwich Number of Customers
Vegetarian 30
Turkey 20
Ham 35
Chicken 15

Which of the following circle graphs correctly represents the data in the table?
a circle graph with four sections, labeled turkey 30 percent, ham 20 percent, chicken 35 percent, and vegetarian 15 percent
a circle graph with four sections, labeled vegetarian 30 percent, turkey 20 percent, ham 35 percent, and chicken 15 percent
a circle graph with four sections, labeled chicken 30 percent, vegetarian 20 percent, turkey 35 percent, and ham 15 percent
a circle graph with four sections, labeled ham 30 percent, chicken 20 percent, vegetarian 35 percent, and turkey 15 percent

The correct answer is:

a circle graph with four sections, labeled vegetarian 30 percent, turkey 20 percent, ham 35 percent, and chicken 15 percent