Some quantity of dry air has volume of 500cm cube at 400degree Celsius and under pressure of 76cmhg at a temperature of 120 degree Celsius it's volume become 600cm cube calculate the pressure of the gas at the temperature

To solve this problem, we can use the combined gas law formula:

(P1)(V1)/(T1) = (P2)(V2)/(T2)

P1 = initial pressure = 76 cmHg
V1 = initial volume = 500 cm^3
T1 = initial temperature = 400°C + 273 = 673 K
P2 = final pressure (unknown)
V2 = final volume = 600 cm^3
T2 = final temperature = 120°C + 273 = 393 K

Plugging in the values:
(76)(500)/(673) = (P2)(600)/(393)

Solving for P2:
38000/673 = 600P2/393
56.45 = 1.525P2
P2 = 56.45/1.525
P2 ≈ 37 cmHg

Therefore, the pressure of the gas at the temperature of 120°C is approximately 37 cmHg.