What are availability use of freshwater in community

1. Drinking water: Freshwater is essential for human survival as it is needed for drinking and maintaining hydration. Availability of clean and safe drinking water is crucial for public health.

2. Agriculture: Freshwater is used for irrigation purposes in agriculture to grow crops and produce food. Farmers rely on access to freshwater in order to maintain their crops and livestock.

3. Industrial use: Freshwater is used in various industries for manufacturing, cooling processes, and other operations. Industries require a reliable supply of freshwater to operate efficiently.

4. Recreation: Freshwater bodies such as lakes, rivers, and streams provide opportunities for recreational activities such as swimming, fishing, boating, and hiking. Availability of freshwater in community areas can enhance the quality of life for residents.

5. Wildlife habitat: Freshwater ecosystems support a diverse range of plant and animal species. Availability of freshwater in natural habitats is essential for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystems.

6. Hygiene and sanitation: Freshwater is needed for maintaining personal hygiene, sanitation, and cleanliness in communities. Access to clean water is important for preventing the spread of diseases and ensuring public health.