Structure of pre-sentence report

1. Introduction

- Purpose of the report
- Brief overview of the case

2. Background Information
- Personal details of the offender (age, gender, education, employment history, family background)
- Criminal history (previous convictions, offenses)
- Circumstances leading to the current offense

3. Risk Assessment
- Assessment of the offender’s risk of reoffending
- Factors contributing to the risk of reoffending
- Protective factors that may reduce the risk of reoffending

4. Offense Analysis
- Details of the current offense (nature, severity, impact on victim)
- Motivation behind the offense
- Any relevant mitigating or aggravating factors

5. Offender’s Attitude and Insight
- Offender’s acknowledgment of their actions
- Insight into the consequences of their behavior
- Willingness to engage in rehabilitation or treatment programs

6. Social and Environmental Factors
- Support system of the offender (family, friends, community)
- Housing situation
- Employment and financial stability

7. Recommendations
- Sentencing recommendations (including possible alternative sentences)
- Recommendations for rehabilitation or treatment programs
- Support services that may benefit the offender

8. Conclusion
- Summary of key findings
- Recommendations for the court to consider

9. Signature and Date
- Signature of the probation officer who prepared the report
- Date of completion