what is methodology in research and demonstrate with its example

Methodology in research refers to the systematic approach or procedure used to conduct a study or investigation. It outlines the steps that will need to be taken in order to answer the research questions or achieve the research objectives. Methodology can vary depending on the type of research being conducted and the discipline it belongs to.


Let's say a researcher wants to conduct a study on the impact of social media on mental health. The methodology for this study may involve the following steps:

1. Research Design: The researcher may choose to conduct a quantitative survey to collect data on social media usage and mental health symptoms.

2. Sampling: The researcher will need to determine the sample size and sampling method to ensure the data collected is representative of the population being studied.

3. Data Collection: The researcher will create a questionnaire or survey to gather information from participants. This may involve surveying social media use habits and mental health symptoms.

4. Data Analysis: After collecting the data, the researcher will analyze it using statistical techniques to identify any correlations between social media usage and mental health symptoms.

5. Interpretation of Results: The researcher will interpret the findings and draw conclusions based on the data analysis.

6. Discussion and Implications: The researcher will discuss the implications of the findings, potential limitations of the study, and suggest recommendations for further research or interventions.

By following these steps, the researcher can systematically investigate the relationship between social media and mental health, providing a clear understanding of the topic.