The Image shows a quadrilateral with 10 inches on the Top 8 inches inside

And 14 inches on the side

What is the area of the quadrilateral?

(1 point)

112 in.2
112 in. squared

80 in.2
  80 in. squared

102 in.2
  102 in. squared

The area of the quadrilateral can be calculated by dividing it into two triangles and one rectangle.

The area of the first triangle:
Base = 10 inches
Height (inside) = 8 inches
Area = 1/2 * Base * Height = 1/2 * 10 * 8 = 40 square inches

The area of the rectangle:
Length = 10 inches
Width = 14 inches
Area = Length * Width = 10 * 14 = 140 square inches

The area of the second triangle:
Base = 14 inches (side)
Height = 8 inches
Area = 1/2 * Base * Height = 1/2 * 14 * 8 = 56 square inches

Total area = Area of first triangle + Area of rectangle + Area of second triangle
Total area = 40 + 140 + 56 = 236 square inches

Therefore, the area of the quadrilateral is 236 square inches (102 in. squared).