The perimeter of a rectangle which is made by three squares is 80 cm. what is the perimeter of the big square in the picture?

If the perimeter of the rectangle is 80 cm, then the perimeter of the big square made by three squares can be found as follows:

Since the rectangle is made by three squares, the length of the rectangle is equal to the sum of the sides of the three squares.

Let x be the side length of each square.
Therefore, the length of the rectangle = 3x
And the breadth of the rectangle = x

Given that the perimeter of the rectangle is 80 cm,
Perimeter = 2(length + breadth)
80 = 2(3x + x)
80 = 2(4x)
80 = 8x
x = 10

Therefore, the side length of each small square is 10 cm.

Now, the side length of the big square can be found as follows:

In a square, all sides are equal.
Since the big square is made by the three small squares, the side length of the big square is equal to the side length of the three small squares combined.

Therefore, the side length of the big square = 3x
= 3(10)
= 30 cm

The perimeter of the big square is given by 4 * side length
= 4 * 30
= 120 cm

Therefore, the perimeter of the big square in the picture is 120 cm.