A glass window is to be placed in a house. The window consists of a​ rectangle, 14 feet high by 5 feet​ wide, with a semicircle at the top. Approximately how many feet of​ stripping, material to be wrapped around the exterior edge of the​ window, will be needed to frame the​ window?

To find the total length of stripping needed, we must first calculate the perimeter of the rectangular part of the window and then add the circumference of the semicircle at the top.

Perimeter of rectangle = 2(14) + 2(5) = 28 + 10 = 38 feet

For the semicircle, we need to find the circumference, which is given by the formula:
Circumference of a circle = πd/2, where d is the diameter

The diameter of the semicircle is equal to the width of the rectangle, which is 5 feet.

Circumference of semicircle = π(5)/2 = (5π)/2 ≈ 7.85 feet

Therefore, the total length of stripping needed to frame the window is:
38 feet (rectangle) + 7.85 feet (semicircle) ≈ 45.85 feet

Approximately 45.85 feet of stripping material will be needed to frame the window.