given the coordinates (9,-2), (9,11),(15,4),and (15,13),what is the length of each of the two longest sides of the quadrilateral,in cm.

0 cm

The two longest sides of the quadrilateral are the sides connecting points (9,11) to (15,13) and (9,-2) to (15,13).

Using the distance formula, we can calculate the length of each side:

Side 1: (9,11) to (15,13)
Length = sqrt((15-9)^2 + (13-11)^2)
Length = sqrt(6^2 + 2^2)
Length = sqrt(36 + 4)
Length = sqrt(40)
Length ≈ 6.32 cm

Side 2: (9,-2) to (15,13)
Length = sqrt((15-9)^2 + (13-(-2))^2)
Length = sqrt(6^2 + 15^2)
Length = sqrt(36 + 225)
Length = sqrt(261)
Length ≈ 16.14 cm

Therefore, the length of the two longest sides of the quadrilateral are approximately 6.32 cm and 16.14 cm.