What is the area of the parallelogram shown?

A 60
60 in 2
B 120
120 in 2
C 140
140 in 2
D 180

The answer is B. 120 in^2

the are of the Parallelograms are is 15in and 8 in

To find the area of a parallelogram, you use the formula:

Area = Base × Height

Given that the base of the parallelogram is 15 inches and the height is 8 inches, you can plug these values into the formula:

Area = 15 in × 8 in
Area = 120 square inches

So, the area of the parallelogram is 120 square inches.

What is the area of a parallelogram that has a base 5 inches longer and a height 5 inches taller than the parallelogram shown?

A 230
230 in 2
B 260
260 in 2
C 290
290 in 2
D 310

Let's denote the given parallelogram's base as B and height as H. Its area is calculated as:

Area1 = Base × Height

Now given a new parallelogram with a base 5 inches longer (B + 5) and a height 5 inches taller (H + 5), the area can be calculated as:

Area2 = (Base + 5) × (Height + 5)
Area2 = (B + 5)(H + 5)

Subtracting Area1 from Area2 gives the additional area of the new parallelogram:

Additional Area = Area2 - Area1
Additional Area = (B + 5)(H + 5) - (B)(H)
Additional Area = BH + 5H + 5B + 25 - BH
Additional Area = 5H + 5B + 25

If the given parallelogram's area is 15*8 = 120 square inches, the new parallelogram's additional area is:

Additional Area = 5(8) + 5(15) + 25
Additional Area = 40 + 75 + 25
Additional Area = 140 square inches

To find the total area of the new parallelogram:

Total Area = Area1 + Additional Area
Total Area = 120 + 140
Total Area = 260 square inches

Therefore, the area of the parallelogram with a base 5 inches longer and a height 5 inches taller than the original is 260 square inches, which corresponds to option B.

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What is the formula for area of a triangle with base b and height h?
A = 1 bh
2A = 1 bh 2
B A = bhA = bh
A = 1 ( b1 + b2 )h
2A = 1 ( b 1 + b 2 )h 2
D A = b + h + b A = b + h + b
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Based on the options provided:

A. A = 1/2 bh
B. A = bh
C. A = 1/2(b1 + b2)h
D. A = b + h + b

The correct formula for the area of a triangle with base (b) and height (h) is A = 1/2 bh, which is option A.

3 of 103 of 10 Items



Which equation can be used to find the area of the of the parallelogram?
A A = (7)(5)A = (7)(5)
B A = (15)(5)A = (15)(5)
C A = (15)(7)A = (15)(7)
D A = 10(5 + 7)A = 10(5 + 7)
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The area of a parallelogram can be found using the formula:

Area = base × height

Given the base is 5 and the height is 7 in this case, you can calculate the area as:

Area = 5 * 7
Area = 35

Therefore, the corresponding equation is A = (5)(7), which matches option A.

pick one of the answers