Read the excerpt from a credible source about snails. Then answer the question that follows.

To effectively address the increase of these invasive snails, hands-on management strategies must be put into place. A combination of prevention, early detection, and rapid response measures is crucial. Collaborative efforts between scientific communities, conservation organizations, and government agencies are essential in designing and implementing effective management practices. Extermination, control, and monitoring of this species is key.

Which of the following best summarizes the information from the source?

The snails must be managed.
I think it's important that we get this snail problem under control.
In order to control the growth of this species of snail, scientists and the government must work together.
Collaborative efforts between scientific communities, conservation organizations, and government agencies are essential in designing and implementing effective management practices.

Collaborative efforts between scientific communities, conservation organizations, and government agencies are essential in designing and implementing effective management practices.