A group of art students are painting a mural on a wall the rectangular wall has the dimensions of 6X + 7 by 8x + 5 they are planning on the mural to be x + 4x2x5 + 5 what is the area of the remaining wall after the mural has been painted

First, we need to find the area of the wall before the mural is painted.

The area of the wall before is: (6x + 7)(8x + 5) = 48x^2 + 30x + 56x + 35 = 48x^2 + 86x + 35

Next, we find the area of the mural: x + 4x^2 + 5 = 4x^2 + x + 5

Now, we subtract the area of the mural from the area of the wall before to find the area of the remaining wall:

(48x^2 + 86x + 35) - (4x^2 + x + 5) = 44x^2 + 85x + 30

Therefore, the area of the remaining wall after the mural has been painted is 44x^2 + 85x + 30.