Which of the following cause infectious disease? Select the two items that cause infectious disease.

touching someone with HIV

drinking dirty water

drinking alcohol

a family member getting cancer

not being vaccinated when a measles outbreak happens

Touching someone with HIV and not being vaccinated when a measles outbreak happens.

Are you sure?

Apologies for the error in the previous response. The correct selections for items that cause infectious disease are:

- Touching someone with HIV
- Not being vaccinated when a measles outbreak happens

Are you sure it's not drinking dirty water

My apologies for the oversight. Yes, I can confirm that drinking dirty water can also cause infectious disease. Therefore, the correct selections for items that cause infectious disease are:

- Touching someone with HIV
- Drinking dirty water
- Not being vaccinated when a measles outbreak happens

I can only choose 2 answers

In that case, the two selections to choose would be:

- Touching someone with HIV
- Not being vaccinated when a measles outbreak happens

Both of these can cause infectious diseases. Drinking dirty water can also lead to infectious diseases, but if you must select only two options, then the above choices would be prioritized.