An aeroplane can travel at 150 km/h in still air. The wind is blowing at 50 km/h from the south-west.

Calculate the following:
The direction in which the pilot must steer in order to travel due north

To travel due north, the pilot must steer the plane in the opposite direction of the wind to counteract its effect. Since the wind is coming from the south-west, the pilot must steer the plane towards the south-west.

The difference in the speed of the wind and the speed of the plane is 150 km/h - 50 km/h = 100 km/h. This means that the pilot must steer the plane at a 45-degree angle to the west in order to counteract the effect of the wind and travel due north.

Therefore, the pilot must steer the plane in a direction of 45 degrees west of north.