You are making a dragonfly kite. You want to cover the non-shaded area of the wings with shiny nylon. The dimensions of one pair of wings are shown. Decompose the figure into simple shapes. How many square meters of nylon will you need to cover the non-shaded area of one pair of wings? (1 point)

To decompose the figure into simple shapes, we can see that the wings can be divided into two triangles and one trapezoid.

First, let's calculate the area of the two triangles:
Area of triangle = 1/2 * base * height

For the larger triangle:
Base = 15 cm
Height = 12 cm
Area = 1/2 * 15 cm * 12 cm = 90 cm^2

For the smaller triangle:
Base = 7 cm
Height = 6 cm
Area = 1/2 * 7 cm * 6 cm = 21 cm^2

Next, let's calculate the area of the trapezoid:
Area of trapezoid = 1/2 * (base1 + base2) * height

Base1 = 7 cm
Base2 = 15 cm
Height = 6 cm
Area = 1/2 * (7 cm + 15 cm) * 6 cm = 66 cm^2

Now, add the areas of the two triangles and the trapezoid together:
Total area = 90 cm^2 + 21 cm^2 + 66 cm^2 = 177 cm^2

To convert cm^2 to square meters, we divide by 10,000:
177 cm^2 / 10,000 = 0.0177 square meters

Therefore, you will need 0.0177 square meters of shiny nylon to cover the non-shaded area of one pair of wings.