Audience and Purpose 11:Question 7

The following text is an Icaden Athletics foot cream ad (the
cream treats a disease called "Athlete's foot", which causes
swelling, itching, flaking, etc., and is usually caused by
wearing closed shoes and/or keeping your feet wet for
prolonged periods of time). Knowing the rhetor's purpose
in creating this ad for a primary audience of active young
men and women, which of the following best describes th
rhetor's choice of strategies to communicate with that
particular audience group?

The rhetor likely chose strategies that emphasize the effectiveness and benefits of the foot cream in treating and preventing the symptoms of athlete's foot, such as fast relief, itch relief, and improved overall foot health. They may also focus on the convenience of using the cream, such as easy application and quick results, to appeal to the active lifestyle of young men and women. Additionally, the rhetor may use language and visuals that resonate with this audience, such as images of athletes or outdoor activities, to establish a connection and credibility with the target audience.