Which statement best describes a command economy? (1 point) Responses

Individuals make most economic choices.
Individuals make most economic choices.

Market forces decide most economic questions.
Market forces decide most economic questions.

The government controls most economic activity.
The government controls most economic activity.

Businesses determine most economic outcomes.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point) Confucianism and Daoism developed in China while (Choose) emerged in Japan. responses





Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence. (1 point) Tibetans are an ethnic minority in (Choose) responses



North Korea

South Korea

Which modern East Asian countries have autocratic governments? Select the two correct answers. (1 point) Responses




North Korea
North Korea

South Korea
South Korea


Which North Korean action in the 2000s resulted in condemnation by other East Asian countries? (1 point) Responses

their attempts to trade with the United States
their attempts to trade with the United States

their development of nuclear weapons program
their development of nuclear weapons program

their attempt to invade China
their attempt to invade China

their peace treaty with Japan

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point) Plate tectonics put Japan and the Koreas at risk of (Choose) . responses

drought and famine

air, water, and ground pollution

monsoons and typhoons

earthquakes tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions

The Han emperor Wudi invented a bureaucratic system to help the Han run the empire. What was it based upon? (1 point) Responses




Mandate of Heaven

The most valued metalwork produced by Shang artisans were made from what material? (1 point) Responses





What is the main topic discussed in the Analects of Confucius? (1 point) Responses

proper behavior and ideals

successful battle strategies

living in harmony with nature living in

the nature of the afterlife

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point) Spiritual traditions followed by ancient Chinese included, most importantly, honoring (Choose) . If not honored, they might bring trouble to the family. responses





What was the Silk Road? (1 point) Responses

a long wall running east and west along the Chinese empire’s northern border
a long wall running east and west along the Chinese empire’s northern border

a series of trade routes that crossed Asia and connected China to the Mediterranean Sea
a series of trade routes that crossed Asia and connected China to the Mediterranean Sea

an ancient Chinese idea about the human journey of self-discovery
an ancient Chinese idea about the human journey of self-discovery

a location in ancient China where the geography supported the production of silk

a series of trade routes that crossed Asia and connected China to the Mediterranean Sea

answer all

1. The statement that best describes a command economy is: The government controls most economic activity.

2. Confucianism and Daoism developed in China while Shintoism emerged in Japan.

3. Tibetans are an ethnic minority in China.

4. The modern East Asian countries with autocratic governments are China and North Korea.

5. In the 2000s, North Korea's development of a nuclear weapons program resulted in condemnation by other East Asian countries.

6. Plate tectonics put Japan and the Koreas at risk of earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

7. The Han emperor Wudi's bureaucratic system was based on Confucianism.

8. The most valued metalwork produced by Shang artisans were made from bronze.

9. The main topic discussed in the Analects of Confucius is proper behavior and ideals.

10. Spiritual traditions followed by ancient Chinese included, most importantly, honoring ancestors. If not honored, they might bring trouble to the family.

11. The Silk Road was a series of trade routes that crossed Asia and connected China to the Mediterranean Sea.