The giant walk along the beach

He takes his cat along with him
But careful he is to make sure each
Don’t get lost when the sun sets dim

They stroll along the sandy shore

The waves crashing at their feet
The giant watches the cat explore
As they enjoy the ocean's beat

The cat jumps and plays in the sand
Chasing seagulls and shells with glee
The giant smiles at the sight so grand
As they wander along carefree

But as the sun starts to fade
And the sky turns shades of pink
The giant calls to his feline aide
To head back before it gets too dark to think

They make their way back home
Hand in paw, a bond so strong
Their beach adventure now a tome
Of memories that will last long

So beware of the giant and his cat
On their evening beach strolls
For together they roam, for tat
Two kindred spirits with hearts of gold.