Compare 2 artworks one from romanamesque period and the other from the gothic period

The Romanesque period was characterized by its thick walls, rounded arches, and small, narrow windows. Artworks from this period tended to be stylized and symbolic, often featuring figures with elongated proportions and exaggerated facial expressions. One example of a Romanesque artwork is the Tympanum of the Last Judgment at the Autun Cathedral in France. This intricate relief sculpture depicts the final judgment of souls by Christ, with detailed figures and ornate decoration.

In contrast, the Gothic period was known for its tall, pointed arches, flying buttresses, and large stained-glass windows. Artworks from this period tended to be more naturalistic and detailed, with a greater emphasis on light and space. One example of a Gothic artwork is the Chartres Cathedral in France, known for its stunning stained-glass windows and intricate sculptures. The sculptures at Chartres Cathedral are more lifelike and expressive, with intricate detailing and a sense of movement.

Overall, the Romanesque and Gothic periods represent different artistic styles and techniques, with Romanesque art emphasizing symbolism and stylization, while Gothic art focused on naturalism and detail.