How did indirect imperial rule impact modern Nigeria?(1 point) Responses Indirect British rule helped Nigeria to grow its wealth, leading it to grow economically in the modern day. Indirect British rule helped Nigeria to grow its wealth, leading it to grow economically in the modern day. The growth of cash crops helped Nigeria become a prosperous country in the modern day. The growth of cash crops helped Nigeria become a prosperous country in the modern day. Infrastructure was not a priority under British rule, so building infrastructure has been a major initiative in modern Nigeria. Infrastructure was not a priority under British rule, so building infrastructure has been a major initiative in modern Nigeria. Systems of administration were destroyed by the British, creating a power vacuum and leading to conflict in Nigeria.

Systems of administration were disrupted by the British, leading to challenges in governance and contributing to political instability in modern Nigeria. In addition, the exploitation of resources and imposition of colonial economic policies have had lasting negative effects on the Nigerian economy, contributing to issues such as poverty and inequality. Decades of colonial rule also left behind a legacy of ethnic and religious tensions, which continue to impact Nigerian society today.