Peter mixes 4 1/3 cups of orange juice, 2 1/3 cups of ginger ale, and 6 1/2 of strawberry lemonade to make some punch. What is the total number of cups of punch that Peter makes?

To find the total number of cups of punch, we need to add up the amount of each ingredient Peter used.

4 1/3 + 2 1/3 + 6 1/2

First, convert all the fractions to a common denominator:

4 1/3 = 13/3
2 1/3 = 7/3
6 1/2 = 13/2

Adding the fractions:

13/3 + 7/3 + 13/2 = (26 + 14 + 39)/6 = 79/6

Now, convert the fraction back to a mixed number:

79/6 = 13 1/6

Therefore, Peter makes a total of 13 1/6 cups of punch.