Helped make airline pilots’ seats more comfortable

There are several ways in which airline pilots' seats have been made more comfortable to improve their overall experience and reduce fatigue during long flights. Some of the improvements include:

1. Ergonomic design: Seats are now designed with ergonomic principles in mind, allowing pilots to sit comfortably and maintain proper posture for extended periods of time.

2. Lumbar support: Many seats now come equipped with adjustable lumbar support to help reduce lower back pain and discomfort.

3. Cushioning: Seats are now equipped with high-quality foam cushioning to provide better support and reduce pressure points.

4. Adjustable features: Pilots can now adjust their seats in various ways, including seat height, recline, and armrest positions, to find the most comfortable seating position for their individual needs.

5. Improved materials: Higher quality materials are being used in the construction of pilot seats to provide better durability and comfort.

Overall, these improvements in the design and construction of airline pilots' seats have helped to make their work environment more comfortable and conducive to safe and efficient flying.