An old sailing ship has three triangular sails, sail A, sail B and sail C. Sail A, the smallest of sails, measures 6 m along the base and between 5 and 8 m in height. Sail C, the largest of the sails, has an area less than twice the area of sail A.

So for A, I used 6 for base, and 6 for height. what would the area for that be?

The area of a triangle is given by the formula:

Area = 1/2 * base * height

For sail A, with a base of 6m and a height of 6m, the area would be:

Area_A = 1/2 * 6 * 6
Area_A = 18 square meters

Therefore, the area of sail A is 18 square meters.

So for C, it is the biggest. The area of A is 18. 18 times 2 is 36. So, it has to be less than 36. What would the base and height be?

Pick any number.

Let's choose a base of 9m and a height of 8m for sail C.

Area_C = 1/2 * base * height
Area_C = 1/2 * 9 * 8
Area_C = 36 square meters

Therefore, with a base of 9m and a height of 8m, the area of sail C would be 36 square meters, which is less than twice the area of sail A.

Well..... what about 7 and 8, what would that be?

Let's calculate the area of sail C with a base of 7m and a height of 8m:

Area_C = 1/2 * base * height
Area_C = 1/2 * 7 * 8
Area_C = 28 square meters

Therefore, with a base of 7m and a height of 8m, the area of sail C would be 28 square meters, which is less than twice the area of sail A (18 square meters).

Ok now for B. All three numbers have to be in between. What could those be?

(lol get it, be and B)

Let's find a base and height for sail B that is between the values of sail A and sail C. Since sail A has a base of 6m and sail C has a base of 7m, a base of sail B could be 6.5m.

For the height, since sail A has a height of 6m and sail C has a height of 8m, a height for sail B could be 7m.

Calculating the area of sail B with a base of 6.5m and a height of 7m:

Area_B = 1/2 * base * height
Area_B = 1/2 * 6.5 * 7
Area_B = 22.75 square meters

Therefore, with a base of 6.5m and a height of 7m, the area of sail B would be 22.75 square meters, which is between the areas of sail A and sail C.

would regular 6 and 7 work?

Let's check if sail B could have a base of 6m and a height of 7m:

Area_B = 1/2 * 6 * 7
Area_B = 21 square meters

Since sail B has an area of 21 square meters, which is between the areas of sail A (18 square meters) and sail C (28 square meters), having a base of 6m and a height of 7m for sail B would indeed work.

Hey! It's the same person lol

Go to my profile, to see the next set of questions!
(The one about the portholes on the ship)