What were two effects of

WWII? (Make sure to answer the
questions with at least 2-3
sentences) (6 points)

1) One effect of WWII was the massive destruction of infrastructure and cities across Europe and Asia. Millions of people lost their homes and businesses, and the cost of rebuilding after the war was immense. This led to economic hardship and instability in many countries for years to come.

2) Another effect of WWII was the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers on the world stage. The defeat of Nazi Germany and the subsequent division of Europe into two blocs led to the Cold War, a period of intense rivalry and tension between the two superpowers that shaped global politics for the next several decades. The Soviet Union emerged as a leading communist power, while the United States became the dominant capitalist superpower, leading to a new world order with the balance of power centered on these two nations.