Consider "Hold Fast Your Dreams".

Hold fast your dreams!
within you heart
keep one still, secret spot
where dreams may go,
and sheltered so,
may thrive and grow -
where doubt and fear are not.
Oh, keep a place apart
within your hear,
for little dreams to go.
How do the lines "Where dreams may go," "And sheltered so," and "May thrive and grow-" influence the poem?

Select TWO answers.

Question 2 options:

It creates a quick and light rhythm that emphasizes the word "grow".

It creates a formal musical rhythm that adds a serious tone to the poem.

It creates a slow, heavy pace to illustrate the responsibility of protecting dreams.

It creates a contrast with the next line to mirror their contrasting meanings.

- It creates a quick and light rhythm that emphasizes the word "grow".

- It creates a contrast with the next line to mirror their contrasting meanings.