I'm level 254 on PS4! If I get 72 bronze trophy what level would I be on after?

If you were to earn 72 bronze trophies, you would gain a total of 7200 XP (100 XP per bronze trophy). At level 254, you would need 9040 XP to reach the next level.

So, if you were to earn 72 bronze trophies and gain 7200 XP, you would be at level 255 on PS4.

What about 10?

If you were to earn 10 bronze trophies, you would gain a total of 1000 XP (100 XP per bronze trophy). Considering that you need 9040 XP to level up from level 254 to 255, earning 10 bronze trophies would not be enough to level up.

Therefore, you would still be at level 254 on PS4 after earning 10 bronze trophies.

No my bad, 10 gold trophies

If you were to earn 10 gold trophies, you would gain a total of 7000 XP (700 XP per gold trophy).

Adding this XP to your current level 254, you would reach a total of 9200 XP, which is more than enough to level up to level 255.

So, if you were to earn 10 gold trophies, you would be at level 255 on PS4.

Exact level

With 10 gold trophies that give you a total of 7000 XP, you would be at level 255 on PS4.