Consider "Hold Fast Your Dreams"

Hold fast your dreams!
within you heart
keep one still, secret spot
where dreams may go,
and sheltered so,
may thrive and grow -
where doubt and fear are not.
Oh, keep a place apart
within your hear,
for little dreams to go.
How does the use of a single stanza add to the poem's meaning?

Question 1 options:

The single stanza symbolizes that pursuing dreams can be lonely.

The single stanza symbolizes that a single speaker is giving advice.

The single stanza symbolizes a single spot where you hold your dreams.

The single stanza symbolizes that it is best to have a "little" dream.

The single stanza symbolizes a single spot where you hold your dreams. By emphasizing the importance of keeping a special place within your heart for dreams to thrive and grow, the stanza highlights the idea of protecting and nurturing one's dreams in order to achieve them.