Put the following events in chronological order (the first event should be the earliest, the last event should be the latest):

(3 points)

brown v. board

1964 civil rights act

Albany movement

what is the correct answer and tell me why

1. Brown v. Board (1954) - This landmark Supreme Court case ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.

2. Albany movement (1961-1962) - This series of events in Albany, Georgia, was a key moment in the civil rights movement, focusing on desegregation and voting rights.
3. 1964 Civil Rights Act - This legislation was passed by Congress in 1964, outlawing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and is considered a major achievement of the civil rights movement.

The events are arranged in this order because Brown v. Board was a significant legal case that set the stage for later civil rights actions, including the Albany movement, which exemplified the grassroots activism of the era. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a culmination of these efforts, representing a major legislative victory in the fight for civil rights.