how to attract roaches by hz souny

1. Use a pheromone attractant: Certain species of roaches are attracted to specific pheromones, so you can purchase a pheromone attractant designed to lure roaches to a specific area.

2. Provide food sources: Roaches are attracted to food sources, so leaving out crumbs, spills, or open containers of food can help attract them to a specific spot.

3. Create a warm, dark, and damp environment: Roaches are attracted to warm, dark, and damp areas, so creating an environment that mimics these conditions can help attract them.

4. Play Hz sounds: Some studies suggest that certain frequencies of sound, such as 35-45Hz, can attract roaches. Playing these Hz sounds in the area where you want to attract roaches may help draw them in.

5. Use bait: Roach bait traps contain a mixture of food and insecticide that attracts roaches to consume it. Placing these bait traps in the area where you want to attract roaches can help lure them in.