Use an example to explain how we see an object’s color. Be sure to use these terms in your answer:


When we see an object's color, it is a result of a combination of transmission, reflection, and absorption of light. For example, let's consider a red apple.

Transmission: When light hits the surface of the apple, some of it is transmitted through the skin of the apple. In the case of a red apple, the skin transmits wavelengths of light in the red part of the spectrum while absorbing other colors.

Reflection: Some of the light that hits the apple is reflected off the surface. In the case of the red apple, the red wavelengths are reflected back to our eyes, while other colors are absorbed by the apple, giving it its distinct red color.

Absorption: The apple also absorbs some of the light that hits it. In this case, when light of a certain color is absorbed by the apple, it does not reach our eyes, which is why we do not perceive that color in the apple.

Overall, our perception of the apple's color is a result of the wavelengths of light that are transmitted, reflected, and absorbed by the apple's skin, allowing us to see it as red.