14 in.

8.5 in.

13 in.

6.5 in.

17 in.

Find the surface area of the two-tiered steps

(1 point)

1,171.5 in.2

879 in.

2,320.5 in.

1,409.5 in.2

To find the surface area of the two-tiered steps, we need to calculate the surface area of each tier separately and then add them together.

Tier 1:
Length: 14 in.
Width: 8.5 in.
Height: 13 in.
Surface Area = 2(length*width + length*height + width*height)
Surface Area = 2(14*8.5 + 14*13 + 8.5*13)
Surface Area = 2(119 + 182 + 110.5)
Surface Area = 2(411.5)
Surface Area = 823 in.2

Tier 2:
Length: 8.5 in.
Width: 6.5 in.
Height: 17 in.
Surface Area = 2(length*width + length*height + width*height)
Surface Area = 2(8.5*6.5 + 8.5*17 + 6.5*17)
Surface Area = 2(55.25 + 144.5 + 110.5)
Surface Area = 2(310.25)
Surface Area = 620.5 in.2

Total Surface Area = Surface Area of Tier 1 + Surface Area of Tier 2
Total Surface Area = 823 + 620.5
Total Surface Area = 1,443.5 in.2

So, the correct answer is 1,443.5 in.2.